I know it’s cliche but I’m really starting to believe that everything happens for a reason now. Maybe the things that we pray not to happen & it does, some of it has a purpose. I’m not sure about all, but those events that happened steered us to a place in our life that we NEVER thought we would be. A place that we thought we could never make it out of or sometimes it steered us in a place that we said we would never go but had to. I had to experience it to know what it was like.
It’s like God is showing us our potential and how strong we are no matter what we go through. It’s a lesson in it all. Have you ever told yourself you would never do something, or would never be in a certain position and find out you are in the same position you said you would never be? Had to accept a position you said you will never do? It’s funny how life takes a turn. The place that I am now, I didn’t think I would be. I didn’t think I had enough funds, or enough courage to do it because I didn’t believe in myself that much. God showed me a way I could do it. Rather by getting family members and friends to encourage me or by making me move to the next level by putting me in a bad condition that forced me to move. As I reflect on everything, I’m glad that I was forced to change to get to where I am now.

He showed me that by accepting a position I said I would never accept, It would open the door for more revenue than what I had. It made me realize that where I came from and where I am now is a result of all that I’ve been through. The events that happened in my past I never thought had a purpose, but it did. It made me bolder. I prayed for them not to happen but in reality I needed to experience it to mature.
The path that we take may be different than what we envisioned but it shows us a different outlook on life and our strength. The path I took also showed me to appreciate myself more, my health, and the work that others do. I was already humble and appreciated the simple things and respected others, but I gained more understanding of life, myself, and more respect for others.
I am so grateful to see a different perspective. I would have never prayed for this path, but I’m so proud of where I am now. I can see the goal I’m trying to achieve. I can see my way out of the struggle. I truly believe that some things happen for a reason. For the purpose to get us to where we wish to be. God knows our potential and lets the storm prepare us for our destination. So we can be thankful when we reach our goal and never forget that we deserve the blessings that we fought for.