Something that I’ve had a hard time doing my WHOLE life was making decisions. It’s because I’m so indecisive about everything because I don’t want to make the wrong choice. Even simple decisions sometimes have me on the edge. My mind thinks that if I make the wrong choice that I’ll never get the opportunity to have that same moment or chance again; or if I make a mistake and choose the choice that is less fortune, then by luck the opportunity is gone. Most of the time I try to play it cool and end up trying to keep my options open to be able to pick both options. For some reason playing it safe never works out how I want it because the lesson is never learned. Life has a way of showing you can’t straddle the fence! You have to choose sometimes.
And that’s when my anxiety begins too take over! My thoughts overcrowd my ability to think logically and to look at the bigger picture that life is all about choices, and rather I make the wrong or right choice I still learn from it and grow. It’s the appreciation of life and the lessons learned that makes me who I am today!

Heels by Steve Madden!
Heels by Steve Madden! 〰️ CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
Yes sometimes we make horrible choices that cost us everything, but some choices we have no control over. So try something new that you never tried before. How would you know what a new adventure is like you never take the chance. There are some things you have to step out on faith and try instead of playing it safe or letting other tell you what it’s like.
Every perspective is different. Decisions can be tough but they determine what choices you will make in the future and they mold you into who you are. So here’s so the decisions that I’ve made in 2021-2022 to stop thinking so much and do it! Here’s to finding out where mistakes lead me and how it molds me into the clever woman I am now. Here’s to the mistakes that forced me to make the right choices in the future because now I know what I deserve. Those same decisions I made in the past made me think more wiser and more effectively in order to blossom into my future!
Here's to you and the new adventures and opportunities that you choose to make happen!
Here's to you and the new adventures and opportunities that you choose to make happen! 〰️
Rather your deciding between a new job or business, a new love life, moving to your dream city, or just focusing on you, please know that whatever you choose has its own lesson to lead to the right choice in the future.