Taking Risks And Prospering!
So this year I wanted to take as many risks as I could to make up for all the lost times and chances I avoided because of judgment , doubt, and barriers that were in my way. I wanted my change to be clear and evident to me. I wanted to be transparent and just live life. As I get older I realize more the true blessings of life and not taking anything for granted. The things that we skip out on because of fear or judgment of others hinder us from living and prospering.
Ya’ll see the look on my face!!!!
Those same people that hinder your progress are people who don’t have the same opportunity and pray for the freedom that you have. Though your situation may seem like your hindered, to another person your more “freer” than they are. For example having something as simple as a job or weekends off and doing nothing but worrying is ludicrous because someone without a job and a lot of responsibility would pray for the same blessing that I feel is a curse. Sometimes we have to put ourselves in other people shoes and be thankful for what we have. So this trip to Jamaica I took at the last minute was needed to just get away from the United States and do something spontaneous.

The opportunity presented itself when a friend asked me to go to Jamaica because someone canceled on him and he already made plans. I thought sure, why not go on a trip that was preplanned and do something out of the blue. Plus, who wouldn’t like the peace and tranquility of the beach and radiant sun gleaming on them. Lol this was an easy decision.
Before this trip I would have never gotten on an ATV if I knew I was going to get this dirty! Lol I had dirt in my new braids !!
Overall this last minute risk was well needed! Even the strings I had to pull through at my job to go on the trip. The last minute purchases I made to prepare for the trip. The well needed conversations I had to have with friends, and the relationships that were hanging on strings that needed to be discussed. Even the people I lost because of the truth that needed to be told. It was ALL worth it! Sometimes the risks will set you more free more than playing it safe. God is doing a new thing in us and we have to try something new to revel all of the blessings he has for us. Staying in one place or one mindset won’t get us to new heights!
So here’s to the risks that I never took and the little effort I put in because I felt it would be too hard. Here’s to the goals That I shyed away from because I felt the judgment of other would belittle me. Here’s to the new found glory I’m taking that revels what life is really about. Taking risks and prospering!