Free & Unbothered!

Free & Unbothered!


All 2020 we are getting straight to the point! Anything that’s in our life that’s not suppose to be, we are letting it go and not blessing him, her, or it with none of our presence. I don’t care what it is, repeat this with me: LET IT GO!

Don’t waste any more energy on it. Anything that comes in our life that we don’t need we are releasing it back to the universe, dirt, or where ever it came from (lol). This year we have no time for games, disappointments, and excuses. Our time has been wasted enough. Keep your mind tunnel vision and become unavailable to mess.

Like this shirt said , Unless God sent you, I’m not available for you to waste my time. It’s that simple & straight to the point. If it ain’t destined then leave it alone. Your putting too much energy into it.

Demand Attention or Invite it!

Demand Attention or Invite it!

God is so…Dope!

God is so…Dope!