The choice is yours!

The choice is yours!


Life is so short and we should live our lives with no apologies and no regrets. We all have the choice to do anything and be anything we want to be right? Of course we have guidelines, morals, and personal limits that restrict us from making outrageous choices and personal reasons that restrict us from living at our full potential, but we do have free will to be anything we want to be. What really stops us from being who we want to be is people and what they think of us. Our minds get in the way of caring so much about what people think that we forget to live life without any cares or apologies. Have you ever just thought about being in a world where you don’t have to explain yourself to everyone? You can be exactly who you want to be and no one judge you? Well…that’s not going to happen. Someone will ALWAYS have an opinion about you rather good or bad. So why not just let them have their opinion and you just be who you are without any apologies?!

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The people in life that are living their lives without the judgement of others are the most creative, successful, adventurous, free, and loving people I know. They don’t wait to get the approval of others, they just do what they feel. And we all ask how can they do that? The answer is that they care more about growth and progression in their lives more than they do judgment, jealousy, and hate. Sometimes it’s something they have learned on their journey of living free with no apologies! Even for me it is the hardest because I’ve always thought about what people thought about me because I did not want my character to be misunderstood. One thing I have learned from counseling is that you can not control other people’s mind and what they think about you, you can only control yours!

Why not live your life free and let destiny lead the way?

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“Mirror Mirror on the wall who’s the dopiest of them all”

It’s whatever you imagine!


Only you can limit yourself, It’s your choice!

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Open the door to endless possibilities & live your life with no apologies!

Its the little things that makes a difference

Its the little things that makes a difference

What Do You Vow to Yourself?

What Do You Vow to Yourself?